Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vertically challenged.

This afternoon I was having this conversation with one of my patients, about well, being short. My grandfather was a six footer, but grandma could not make it to 5 feet. So, Dad got her genes and uncle got the tall genes. Well, that makes me 5 feet tall. I usually tell people that I am an inch taller! Jokes apart. I think it affects my life everyday.
Its almost like I have to prove myself to everyone that I meet for the first time. Especially my patients. Its twice the work. At times I have to deal with nasty people, who want to vent all their pent up anger and frustration on me. Sometimes I wonder, what if I were a foot taller and about 50 pounds heavier. Would people talk to me like they do now? Would I command more respect? Would it be easier to impress people. Guess I would never know. But I do notice myself being intimidated by bigger individuals, well not every time. Well sort of.
I even found a bunch of studies on the internet, stating that taller people make more money and breed more respect. The worst is that one study claims that taller people are smarter too. Well, that's not always true, because I've met some really dumb dudes who are really tall. So, looks like it's not just me, who is bothered by this. All my short brothers and sisters throughout the world face this. Oh well, we just have to work harder then I suppose.
At this point of my life I have come to terms with the fact that I will forever belong to this 'underestimated' if you will, lot. But what if we get to spend a day where it was the other way round? Where it was cool to be 'vertically challenged'?